A new studio, New York and an election coming up
Back in business, after a marvelous summer. Really, it hit me, like a smack in the face! The summer has been so warm and relaxing (as relaxing as it can be in a mobile car with four kids;-). Going back, getting a grip of all the new routines at school and day-care, and facing the fact that you haven’t been very effective during the summer, made me freak out for a while. I felt like I was getting nowhere... But if I stop and look back, just starting at New Year, we've come a long way. Considering we have five kids and need to bring in the dough at the same time. Patience is a virtue I don’t always have..;-)
And now it’s all slowly coming together. We updated our studio a great deal so my next songs will sound amazing! I'm really excited about it. Right now we are finishing the acoustic version of Superwoman and it makes me cry each time I hear it. I don’t know why. I was not feeling well when we recorded it and my voice was kind of hoarse. That together with the piano and the amazing strings produced and recorded by Adrian Davinski is just overwhelming. I really hope that you will love it.
The video is doing well on YouTube! I hope you have seen it. It was a mess getting it all together, but my god we did it. Almost 10 000 people have seen it already!
And you know what? I might be going to New York! I was asked to perform there at the Mondo festival and I really hope we can make it work with childcare, hotels, and flights. Never been there other than at the airport many times. I lived in the states for six months (Minneapolis) and I’ve been touring in the US many times with different groups but never got to go to New York. Crossing my fingers, this time!
Next week I will also start taking bookings for my new show! Tell you more about that later. ;-) Right now I’m getting ready to vote! There is an important election coming up in Sweden and I’m going to vote for the party that will develop our country forward instead of backward! I will vote for equality and humanity. For a party that has a strong economic strategy and makes it easier for entrepreneurs and small businesses because I think they are the foundation of any society. We all start out that way and grow if we can, putting people to work, pay taxes and build a solid economy. Also, I care for a better climate with fewer toxins in our environment, more funds to our schools and elderly, definitely a better immigration process to get the people coming here a job a lot faster, learning the language and integrate with our society, following our rules and regulations. If the immigrants get treated with respect when they arrive here, they will also respect our country and its citizens and want to contribute. All this leads to a safer and more enjoyable environment for us all. Wish us luck!
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